September is Classical Music Month
Music Books
- Bennett, Dawn. Understanding the classical music profession [electronic resource] : the past, the present and strategies for the future.
- Berlioz, Hector. Evenings with the orchestra.
- Downs, Phillip. Anthology of classical music.
- Haggin, B.H. A decade of music.
- Heger, Theodore. Music of the classic period.
- Leppard, Raymond. Authenticity in music.
- Newman, William. The sonata in the baroque era.
- Randel, Don. The Harvard dictionary of music.
- Randel, Michael. The Harvard concise dictionary of music and musicians.
- Randel, Michael. The Harvard biographical dictionary of music.
9/11 Memorial
Let us Pause to Remember the Victims of 9/11.
9/11 Resources
- Grey,Brad. In Memoriam New York City 9/11/01 [videocassette].
- Crank, John. Counter-terrorism After 9/11 : Justice, Security and Ethics Reconsidered.
- Crotty, William. The Politics of Terror : the U.S. Response to 9/11.
- Goldberg, Alfred. Pentagon 9/11.
- Jones, Priscilla D. The First 109 Minutes : 9/11 and the U.S. Air Force.
- Lambert, Jo. Children's Fiction About 9/11: Ethnic, Heroic and National Identities.
- Miller, John. The Cell : Inside the 9/11 Plot and why the FBI and CIA Failed to Stop it
- Pyszczynski, Tom. In the Wake of 9/11 : the Psychology of Terror.
- Simmons, Martha. 9.11.01 : African American Leaders Respond to an American Tragedy.
- Wheeler, Winston. Film and Television After 9/11.
Benedict College Library Receives Music Donation
Jumoke Academy/The Hartford Conservatory donated an outstanding musical collection to our library. The donation consists of 500 boxes of musical scores and books. This collection will aid the music department as they seek National Accreditation. Many thanks to Dr. Rojas and Mr. Orlick for their role in securing this outstanding collection for Benedict College. This musical collection will make a huge educational impact on our students. Thanks to the young men from the music department for their assistance in unloading and sorting the boxes.
Mr. Orlick, Julio (driver) and Dr. Rojas |
Man power...Music students |
New Library Staff
The Benedict library staff welcomes Ms. Mae Jones, our new acquisitions librarian. She comes to us with a wealth of experiences from Richland County Public and Thomas Cooper Libraries. Ms. Jones is a graduate of Benedict College and the University of South Carolina. Ms. Jones is the proud parent of two sons. Her hobbies are gardening, sewing and church. She is a native of Loris, S.C. Welcome Ms. Mae Jones!
Ms. Mae Jones, Acquisitions Librarian
Welcome Back Tigers!
We hope to see you in the library this semester for research, writing papers, viewing Ebooks etc. Please remember that computers in the ERC are only for academic purposes.
Welcome Freshmen Class of 2016!
"A college degree is not a sign that one is a finished product but an indication that
a person is prepared for life." Benedict prepares you to be a power for good!
Class of 2016 is 700 strong.
July 2012
2012 Summer Olympics in London, England
July 27 - August 12
July 27 - August 12
Check out pictures and activities of the Summer Olympics and London 2012 .
Olympic Books
- Barney, Robert Knight. Selling the Five Rings: the International Olympic Committee and the Rise of Olympic Commercialism.
- Cogan, Karen. Gymnastics.
- Cunningham, Carson. American Hoops: U.S. Men's Olympic Basketball from Berlin to Beijing.
- Findling, John. Historical Dictionary of the Modern Olympic Movement.
- Guttman, Allen. The Olympics, a History of the Modern Games.
- Lensky, Helen. The Best Olympics Ever? Social Impacts of Sydney 2000.
- Lohn, John. Historical Dictionary of Competitive Swimming.
- O'Quinn, Garland. Developmental Gymnastics: Building Physical Skills for Children.
Happy 4th of July!
June 2012
June 2012
Youth Leadership Institute
In the month of June the Youth Leadership Institute group, assisted by Benedict College Mentors, conducted research and small group meetings in the library. Institute directed by Mrs. Tondaleya Jackson. This group consisted of twenty 11th and 12th grade students from Richland, Lexington and Kershaw counties. The purpose of the Institute was to promote student leadership and service learning in a college environment.
Summer Session 1
Summer School Tips
- Enroll in classes that you want and need. If you take a class that you are not happy with, your grades will suffer.
- Set reasonable summer goals.
- Do your homework early and be respectful of your professor's time. It isn't summer only for you, it's also summer for your professor.
- Don't be distracted by your friends.
- Don't expect the summer classes to be easier or less work than when the course is offered during the regular sessions.
- Take advantage of the small class size.
May 2012
The Benedict College Library is open all throughout the summer for your studying, researching, computer and summer reading needs!
Summer hours are June 4 - August 6:
Monday-Thursday 8:00 am -7 pm
Fridays 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Sundays 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Wednesday July 4 - Friday July 6 Closed
The staff is available to help you with your research needs!
Congratulations Mr. Pempleton!
Mr. Julius Pempleton has been chosen as Benedict's Outstanding Support Staff Member of the Year for 2012 - 2013. He is affectionately known to students as Mr." P." He has assisted and instructed hundreds of students on utilizing research databases.
Congratulations Mr. "P" for a job well done!
April 2012
National Poetry Month
- April is National Poetry Month! The library has a great collection of fun poetry books....children, religious, epic, love, slavery, ballads, etc. Why don't you explore the poetry section?
- There are many poetry websites available such as the Academy of American Poets. Here are some ways the Academy of American Poets suggest that you celebrate poetry month.
- Select a poem you love, carry it with you, then share it with co-workers, family, and friends.
- Read a book of poetry
- Memorize a poem
- Put poetry in an unexpected place (chalk on sidewalk? post-it in a classroom?)
- Bring a poem to your place of worship
- Attend a poetry reading, or organize one.
- Start a poetry reading group
- Add a poem to your Facebook Page
Giovanni, Nikki: Love Poems.
Giovanni, Nikki: Love Poems.
Grade V Classes of the Nightingale - Bamford School: Poems for Life: Famous People Select Their Favorite Poem and Say Why it Inspires Them.
Harrell, John Parker: Inspirational Christian Poems.
Mukherji, Arijit: The Young Magician and Other Poems.
Rampersad, Arnold: The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes.
Wheatley, Phillis, Poems on Various Sub jects, Religious and Moral.
April 8 - 14, 2012
April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Books about Sexual Abuse
French, Stanley: Violence against women: philosophical perspectives.
Hilarski, Carolyn: Handbook of social work in child and adolescent sexual abuse.
MacFarlane, Kee: Sexual abuse of young children : evaluation and treatment.
Matthews, Dawn: Domestic violence source book : basic consumer health information about the causes and consequences of abusive relationships, including physical violence, sexual assault, battery, stalking, and emotional abuse.
Waterman, Jill: Behind the playground walls : sexual abuse in preschools.
Read @ Benedict College Library
What is an e book? E books are simply electronic copies of regular printed books that are written in chapters and indexed in much the same way as printed books.
E books take up no space and don’t tear. You can store a whole library of e books on your desktop, laptop or hand held device.
Our library has e books on almost every subject. Try something different! Check them out!
Ask Us About E-books
March 2012
March 2012
March is Women's History Month
![]() |
"And in my own life, in my own small way, I've tried to give back to this country that has given me so much. That's why I left a job at a law firm for a career in public service, working to empower young people to volunteer in their communities. Because I believe that each of us--no matter our age or background or walk of life--each of us has something to contribute to the life of this nation."
First Lady Michelle Obama
Did You Know???
Did you know that women invented the following things: chocolate chip cookies, windshield wipers, alphabet blocks,disposable diapers, life raft, rolling pin, globes, ironing board, dish washer, liquid paper (white out), and so much more? Women founded the American Red Cross and the Girl Scouts of America.
Did you know that women invented the following things: chocolate chip cookies, windshield wipers, alphabet blocks,disposable diapers, life raft, rolling pin, globes, ironing board, dish washer, liquid paper (white out), and so much more? Women founded the American Red Cross and the Girl Scouts of America.
Quotes from Famous Women
"How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!"
Maya Angelou,
"I am a woman in process. I'm just trying like everybody else. I try to take every conflict, every experience, and learn from it. Life is never dull."
Oprah Winfrey
"The potential for greatness lives within each of us."
Wilma Rudolph
- Wilkins-Peebles, Wilma:Women of Color on the Rise: Leadership and Administration in Social Work Education and the Academy.
- Revani, Selena: The Next Generation of Women Leaders: What you Need to Lead but Will Not Learn in Business School.
- Harper, Judith: Women During the Civil War: An Encyclopedia.
- Commire, Anne: Dictionary of Women Worldwide: 25,000 Women Through The Ages.
- Page, Yolanda: Encyclopedia of African American Women Writers.
February 2012
Black History Book Discussion
On February 22 at 12:00 in the N.A. Jenkins Board Room, students participated in the annual Black History Book Discussion lead by Mrs. Bridget Sledge and Mr. Julius Pempleton.
Mr. Pempleton discussed Success Runs In Our Race by George C. Fraser. This book is a
complete guide to effective Networking in the Black Community.
Mrs. Sledge discussed Edith Jackson which is a book from a trilogy by Rosa Guy. The book is about a black teenage girl who struggles to keep her family together. Students not only heard two fantastic book talks but also munched on a gourmet lunch as they listened to each book. Students were given the opportunity to participate by asking questions and stating their ideas and opinions.
- Steward, T.G.: Buffalo soldiers : the colored regulars in the United States Army.
- Gruesser, John Cullen: Black on Black : twentieth-century African American writing about Africa.
- Reed, Kelvin: Midnight Sunshine.
- Hine Clark, Darlene: Facts on File encyclopedia of Black women in America.
- Coleman-Johnson, Lorraine: Just plain Folks.
- Angelou, Maya: The heart of a woman.
- Angelou, Maya: I know why the caged bird sings.
- Harper, Lee: To kill a mocking bird..
January 2012
Welcome Back TIGERS!
"We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day."
Edith Lovejoy Pierce
This is the beginning of not only a New Year, but also a new semester. Why not make this semester your best semester ever? Make New Year's resolutions that will help you to excel in your classes. Here is a list of great resolutions.
New Year's Resolutions
- Do not procrastinate. Complete your assignments early. Pass them in on time.
- If you do not understand, ask questions.
- Get extra help from your professor when needed.
- Purchase your textbooks early or use the Library's Reserve Reading Collection.
- Go to class prepared to participate.
- Spend your time wisely. Go to the library and study.
- The library is a quiet place for studying not socializing.
- Focus on being successful and preparing for your future. "Be a Power for Good"
August 2011
Amazing Freshmen Class of 2015
Today is the beginning of your LIFE! "Things do not happen. Things are made to happen." By John F. Kennedy |
- Asher, Donald. From College to Career.
- Criscito, Pat. Designing the Perfect Resume.
- Fournier, Myra. Encyclopedia of Job-Winning Resumes.
- Graber, Steven. The Everything Resume Book
- Hinds, Maurence. Resumes and Job Hunting Skills.
- Komando, Kim. 401 Great Letters.
*All resources are located in the reference section.
Spot Light On Databases
Located within the Access/Research Services Department on the main floor of the Library, the Electronic Resources Center (ERC), provides computer workstations for access to a wide range of electronic resources (including research databases, e-journals and online dictionaries & encyclopedias) via the Benedict College network and the Internet. The ERC’s mission is to provide an electronic research environment where students, faculty and staff can readily access academic journal content that supports assignments. ERC staff facilitate this process by teaching students methods to enhance their understanding of how to consistently reach research objectives.
Major research databases available through the Benedict College Library Electronic Reference Center are described below, but before getting started with your online research, take a few moments to view to an online tutorial, from YouTube,on how to use Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT). Skillful use of Boolean Operators is key to successful search strategy development. Contact ERC staff for additional assistance and information.
J-Stor is one the premier journal research databases. Humanities, natural science, economics and literature content are accessed in this peer-reviewed, high-powered research tool.
Bloomberg is the world leader in financial data, news and market reporting. Real time reporting ensures up-to-the-minute financial data, business and world news. Bloomberg is a School of Business (BEMA) exclusive user research database that covers pertinent news issues from across the world.
Films on Demand
Provides access to over 6,000 streaming videos; contents includes educational videos on business and economics; humanities and social sciences; science and mathematics; health and medicine; family and consumer science; careers and job search; guidance and counseling; and technical education.
Social Work Abstract
Contains more than 45,000 records, spanning from 1968 to the present, from social work and other related journals;including NASW Clinical Register.
Mary Ann Liebert Online
Provides electronic access to peer-reviewed science journals; content exceeds 28,000 papers from more than fifty five authoritative journals.
Oxford Reference Online Premium Collection
Offers over 185 subject dictionaries with 1.5 million entries across 25 subjects; English dictionaries and bilingual dictionaries of French, German, Spanish and Italian.
A digital library of more than one million images in the arts, architecture, humanities and social sciences with a suite of software tools to view, present and manage information for research and pedagogical purposes.
Would you like to have any of the Databases demonstrated to you? Just let us know. We are here to help you!
- Barker, Robert. Dictionary of Social Work.
- Borgatta, Edgar. Encyclopedia of Sociology.
- Darnay, Arsen J. Encyclopedia of Small Business.
- Davies, Martin. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Work.
- Ginsberg, Leon. Social Work Almanac.
- Mizrahi, Terry. Encyclopedia of Social Work.
- Nemeh, Katherine. American Men and Women of Science.
- Postman, Robert. Barron's How to Prepare for the Praxis I, PPST/CBT Pre-Professional Skills Test.
- Schroeder, Donald. Police Officer Exam.
- Szuchman, Lenore. Writing With Style APA Style for Social Work.
- Thomson/Peterson. Preparation for the Praxiz I: PPST Exam.
- Thurman, Quint. Criminal Justice Research Sources.
- Tonry, Michael. The Handbook of Crime and Punishment.
- U.S. Department of Labor. Occupational Outlook Handbook.
- Young, Robyn. World of Chemistry.
*All resources are located in the reference section.
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