Halloween in the Library
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month, is an annual campaign to promote and increase awareness. While most people are aware of breast cancer, many forget to take steps to detect the disease in its early stages and to encourage others to do the same. Breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women. Research continues daily to find a cure for this tragic disease. Your help and support is needed to fight this battle! Spread the word about mammograms and encourage communities, families, and individuals to get involved. In order to stump out breast cancer, you must be proactive. Join the fight for a cure!!
Library Resources:
- Cook, Alan. Cancer sourcebook for women : basic information about specific forms of cancer that affect women .
- Crile, George. What women should know about the breast cancer controversy.
- McCauley, Carole. Surviving breast cancer.
- Strax, Phillip. Early detection: breast cancer is curable.
- Time Life Medical. Breast cancer [videorecording]. **********************************************************
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Take a Peek at Halloween eBooks
In 1929, in a remote county of the Arkansas Ozarks, the gruesome murder of harmonica-playing drifter Connie Franklin and the brutal rape of his teen aged fiancé captured the attention of a nation on the cusp of the Great Depression. National press from coast to coast ran stories of the sensational exploits of night-riding moonshiners, powerful "Barons of the Hills," and a world of feudal oppression in the isolation of the rugged Ozarks. The ensuing arrest of five local men for both crimes and the confusion and superstition surrounding the trial and conviction gave Stone County a dubious and short-lived notoriety.
Be inspired by these fun collections of cupcakes for a spooky Halloween, with designs including Pumpkin Faces, Ghoulish Mummies, Scary Spiders, Spooks and Witches’ Hats.
"He struck a match to look at his watch. In the flare of the light
they saw a young woman just at Pitot's elbow -- a young woman dressed
all in black, with pale gold hair, and a baby sleeping on her shoulder.
She glided to the edge of the bridge and stepped noiselessly off into
the black waters." -- from Ghost Stories of Old New Orleans.Ghosts
are said to wander along the rooftops above New Orleans' Royal Street,
the dead allegedly sing sacred songs in St. Louis Cathedral, and the
graveyard tomb of a wealthy madam reportedly glows.
Sample topics:
Halloween Costumes Halloween History Halloween Traditions
Halloween Candy Halloween ABC Halloween Movies
Halloween Accidents Halloween Ban Halloween 1978
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