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Featured Database
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A database of in-depth,
reports on a full range of political and social-policy issues. C Q Researcher provides in-depth coverage of the most important issues of the day. Reports are written by journalists,
footnoted and fact-checked. Full-length articles include
an overview, historical background, chronology, pro/con feature, plus
resources for additional research. Graphics and photos provide a
solid introduction to subjects most in demand by students.
Monthly Observations
- Diabetes Awareness Month
- Native American Heritage Month
- National Alzheimer's Disease Month
- Election Day (4)
- Veterans Day (11)
- Thanksgiving Holiday (27)
- American Education Week (17 - 21)
- National Hunger and Homeless Week (15 - 23)
Library Resources
- Dods, R.F. Understanding Diabetes : A Biochemical Perspective.
- Fox, Charles. Type1 Diabetes: Answers at Your Fingertips.
- Gill, V. Difficult Diabetes .
- Matthews, David. Diabetes.
- Blank, Louis. Alzheimer's challenged & conquered?
- Jones, Moyra. Gentlecare : changing the experience of Alzheimer's disease in a positive way.
- Pollen, Daniel A. Hannah's heirs : the quest for the genetic origins of Alzheimer's disease
- Taylor, Richard. Alzheimer's from the inside out.
- Turkington, Carol. The encyclopedia of Alzheimer's disease.
- Bell, Catherine. Protection of First Nations Cultural Heritage: Laws, Policy, and Reform.
- Colwell-Chanthaphonh, Chip. Living Histories : Native American Issues and Southwestern Archaeology.
- Trefzer, Annette. Disturbing Indians : The Archaeology of Southern Fiction.
- Warrior, Robert.
People and the Word : Reading Native Nonfiction.
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