Wednesday, September 30, 2015

October 2015   

Halloween in the Library


             Reach out to your fellowman during this tragic time!                                                            

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month, is an annual campaign to promote and increase awareness. While most people are aware of breast cancer, many forget to take steps to detect the disease in its early stages and to encourage others to do the same. Breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women. Research continues daily to find a cure for this tragic disease. Your help and support is needed to fight this battle! Spread the word about mammograms and encourage communities, families, and individuals to get involved. In order to stump out breast cancer, you must be proactive. Join the fight for a cure!!


  Library Resources:

  •   Cook, Alan. Cancer sourcebook for women : basic information about specific forms of cancer that  affect women .
  •  Crile, George. What women should know about the breast cancer controversy.
  •  McCauley, Carole. Surviving breast cancer.
  •  Strax, Phillip. Early detection: breast cancer is curable.
  •  Time Life Medical. Breast cancer [videorecording].                                                                       


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                           Take a Peek at Halloween eBooks

 In 1929, in a remote county of the Arkansas Ozarks, the gruesome murder of harmonica-playing drifter Connie Franklin and the brutal rape of his teen aged fiancĂ© captured the attention of a nation on the cusp of the Great Depression. National press from coast to coast ran stories of the sensational exploits of night-riding moonshiners, powerful "Barons of the Hills," and a world of feudal oppression in the isolation of the rugged Ozarks. The ensuing arrest of five local men for both crimes and the confusion and superstition surrounding the trial and conviction gave Stone County a dubious and short-lived notoriety.

Every year, children and adults alike take to the streets dressed as witches, demons, animals, celebrities, and more. They carve pumpkins and play pranks, and the braver ones watch scary movies and go on ghost tours. There are parades, fireworks displays, cornfield mazes, and haunted houses—and, most important, awesome amounts of bite-sized candy. The popularity of Halloween has spread around the globe to places as diverse as Russia, China, and Japan, but its association with death and the supernatural  has made it one of our most misunderstood holidays. How did it become what it is today?


Be inspired by these fun collections of cupcakes for a spooky Halloween, with designs including Pumpkin Faces, Ghoulish Mummies, Scary Spiders, Spooks and Witches’ Hats.

"He struck a match to look at his watch. In the flare of the light they saw a young woman just at Pitot's elbow -- a young woman dressed all in black, with pale gold hair, and a baby sleeping on her shoulder. She glided to the edge of the bridge and stepped noiselessly off into the black waters." -- from Ghost Stories of Old New Orleans.Ghosts are said to wander along the rooftops above New Orleans' Royal Street, the dead allegedly sing sacred songs in       St. Louis Cathedral, and the graveyard tomb of a wealthy madam reportedly glows.

                   Take a Peek at Databases - Research Halloween 

Sample topics: 
Halloween Costumes                                  Halloween History               Halloween Traditions
Halloween Candy                                       Halloween ABC                   Halloween Movies   
Halloween Accidents                                 Halloween Ban                     Halloween 1978 

Database                              Number of Hits

 Access World News                                                                           1,213,806                                                       
 Academic Search Premier                                                                         4,500                                                   
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Humanities Index                                                                                   Business Abstracts
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                Hot Topics From NewsBank

                                 SCIENCE AND HEALTH RESEARCH TOPICS 

ENVIRONMENT: Hunting Prowess
A recent Canadian study has proclaimed that humans are the apex predators in the world and that our hunting and fishing activities have had a profound impact on other species. How are our targets different from other species when we hunt or fish and how does that difference impact the hunted species? What are some of the other differences in our strategies compared to other predators?
ENVIRONMENT: Night Parrots
A night parrot, a rare bird in Australia’s outback, had been seen for the first time in decades two years ago. This month one was captured, had a few feathers removed and a tracking device put on it. Its location is being kept secret. Why keep its location secret? How large a population of parrots did they estimate lived in the vicinity? What other birds were seen decades after they were thought to be extinct?                                                                                                                                        

HEALTH: Dementia Claims
A new review of five earlier studies of the rate of dementia in developed countries may have overstated the number of cases that might occur in the near future. The earlier prediction was of an upcoming epidemic of cases. The new research thinks the population of patients has remained stable. How did the study determine this? Are the conclusions of this study widely shared? What is the impact of dementia on society?
HEALTH: Second Cancers
Studies are showing that second cancers are on the rise in the United States with one in every five being a repeat one.  How quickly has the rate of second cancers increased and what are some possible reasons for this? What is the overall cancer rate in the US and how has that changed over the past few decades?                                                                                                         

Professor Simon Driver and other researchers at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR), located in Western Australia, did a wide-spectrum survey of the heavens that analyzed 21 different wavelengths of light. They concluded that the energy production of the universe has fallen and is half of what it was two billion years ago. How did they assemble their data? What is the presumed role of dark matter in this? What are their ultimate conclusions about the long-term fate of the universe?                                                                                               SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: New Pentagon Shape
Three mathematicians from the University of Washington have discovered a new type of pentagon that can tile a plane without overlap.  What makes this discovery seem so simple but in fact be so complex as to elude mathematicians for over 100 years?  What are some applications that this discovery can be useful for?

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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 2015

 Students in the Class of 2019 find the Library to be a good   place to study, relax and play Chess.

   Regret Nothing...Learn All You Can @Benedict

September is "Feed the Homeless Month"

    Amazing Decades in Photos 1900's - 2000       (Titles available in the library)

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NewsBank Database Hot Topics
Amazon Working Conditions  
TOPIC:  Working conditions in e-commerce giant Amazon’s warehouses have recently been criticized as harsh.  What specifically have been the objections made by Amazon warehouse workers?  What has been the company’s response?

New Techniques for Human Embryos
Chinese researchers have attempted to edit human embryos to eliminate bad DNA that causes diseases. They used a technique called CRISPR and used eggs that had been fertilized by two separate sperm cells. These eggs can only grow to a certain size until the genetic overload causes them to die. How successful were they in achieving their goals? What is CRISPR and how does it work? Was this experiment ethical?

Washington Wildfires    
TOPIC:  For the first time in its history, the state of Washington is asking state residents to volunteer in helping put out what are some of the worst wildfires in U.S. history.  What is a fire complex and which current one is the largest in the state’s history?  What are some of the tactics being used to contain and put out this wildfire and what kind of progress have they made?
Julian Bond
Julian Bond was a civil rights activist, was elected a U.S Representative from Georgia, chaired the NAACP, was the first president of the Southern Poverty Law Center and as a student at Morehouse College helped found the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). What were some of his major accomplishments as a U.S. Representative? What are some of the key historic civil rights activities in the 1950s and 1960s that he was a part of as a civil rights activist and what was his role?

Vester Lee Flanagan, a volatile fired employee of Virginia TV station WDBJ, shot and killed reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward on live TV before taking his own life.  What is the history of Flanagan’s behavior at WDBJ, previous companies and in public that suggests he was emotionally unstable and dangerous? What has been the reaction of the public on social media to these killings?  What did the 23 page fax sent to ABC from Flanagan say?

Heroic Actions
Three Americans - Spencer Stone, Anthony Sadler and Alek Skarlatos - and a Briton are praised after they subdued a lone gunman on a train from Amsterdam to Paris. They are seen as having prevented a massacre, possibly by a lone wolf terrorist. Who is the suspect and what does his lawyer claim he was trying to do? What is a lone wolf terrorist and is it possible to prevent them?

ARTS AND LITERATURE RESEARCH TOPICS                                                                     FILM AND TELEVISION: John Stewart Retires
 Jon Stewart, popular host of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, has retired from hosting the program.  In what ways did he alter the content of the show when he took over in 1999 and what impact has the program had on U.S. politics while he was host?  What was his career before hosting The Daily Show?  What does he plan to do now?

FILM AND TELEVISION: Straight Outta Compton
A new film on the rap group N.W.A. called Straight Outta Compton, named after their most acclaimed album, has been an unexpected box office hit.  What rap songs are the group most known for and what about their rap most impressed the critics during their strongest years from the late 1980s to the mid 1990s?  What most impressed the public and the critics about this film?

Your NewsBank research solution offers information on virtually all topics and subjects, making it a one-stop database for students and faculty looking for content they can compare, analyze and trust.
Students become more information literate with NewsBank because:

  • Thousands of local, national and international news sources provide geographical insight on trends and topics
  • Diverse perspectives build critical thinking and analytical skills
  • Primary, trusted sources ensure efficient and reliable research
  • Our enhanced interface exposes users to new ways they can search and find relevant articles
  • Content unavailable elsewhere opens more opportunities for discovery

Monthly Observation:  National Hispanic Month

Database - Research Topic: National Hispanic Month

Database                                                                                       Number of Hits
Access World News                                                                             327,509
CQ Researcher                                                                                            176
JSTOR                                                                                                      3,810
Opposing Viewpoints                                                                                     41
Oxford Reference                                                                                        201
ProQuest Science                                                                                   12,163

                Now you select a topic and check out the hits.

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