Friday, January 15, 2016

January 2016

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

"Remember a Day On, not a Day Off"

               Library Displays                


 Mrs. McAfee and Mr. Rossi!!
             Thank you for your years of service to the 
Benedict Library!

Mr. Damian D'Andra Farmer

Hope Santa filled your stockings with dreams of
Benedict's dancing eBooks 
and fills 2016 with utilization of
 Benedict's databases, journals, PASCAL Delivers,
 Electronic Reference Center (ERC),
 and Mobile Multimedia Center.

Happy New Year!!
The Library Staff
Darlene Zinnerman-Bethea, Jeanne Adams, Bridget Sledge, 
Brian Crawley, Mae Jones, Kaanan Lewis,
 LaDoris Walker, Louise Smith,  Damian Farmer and Linda Campbell

Contact Information: 705-4793 or 705-4364

                 The KEY to reaching the MOUNTAIN TOP is EDUCATION.                                   Let your Benedict Library assist you in climbing the MOUNTAIN TOP!

 “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” Dr. Martin Luther  King, Jr.

January 15, 1929 - April 4, 1968

Films On Demand Database Research
eBook Resources

 NEWSBANK Hot Topics

EDUCATION: Every Child Succeeds    TOPIC:  President Obama has signed into law a replacement for the troubled No Child Left Behind Act called The Every Child Succeeds Act.  What does the new act do to fix issues with the previous ones?  What are the overall goals of the new act and how does it work to meet them?
SEARCH TERMS: Every Child Succeeds

HISTORY:  Rosa Parks
TOPIC: It has been 60 years since Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give her seat to a while man on a bus in Montgomery, AL.  What kind of boycott went into effect in reply to the arrest and how effective was it?  How did these events inspire a national civil rights movement?

SOCIAL ISSUES: Thai Labor Practices
TOPIC: A multi-article Associated Press investigation revealed that the Thai shrimp industry runs on slave or forced labor, particularly the fishing boats and the shelling stations. What did the AP find? How did the Thai industry respond to the accusations? Which U.S. grocery chains stock Thai shrimp and which do not? Was this the first time problems in the shrimp industry in Southeast Asia have come to light?
SEARCH TERMS: Thailand AND shrimp industry AND slavery

 ENVIRONMENT: Midwest Flooding          TOPIC:  The American Midwest is having severe floods especially in Missouri and Illinois.  What was the cause of these floods and what is being done to help the people affected by them?  What are the best ways to prepare for a flood? SEARCH TERMS: (Midwest OR Illinois OR Missouri) AND flood*

 SPORTS: BCS Series   TOPIC:  Oklahoma will play Clemson at the Orange Bowl and Michigan State will play Alabama at the Cotton Bowl.  What is the significance of these bowl games for the college football championship game?  What are the strengths and weaknesses of each of these teams? SEARCH TERMS: Orange Bowl and Cotton Bowl

 FILM AND TELEVISION: The Force Awakens     
TOPIC:  The latest film in the Star Wars series, Star Wars: The Force Awakens by J.J. Abrams has been well received by both critics and the public.  What records has this film broken?  What are the qualities that the critics and public like about the film?  What are some common themes in the Star Wars films and how does the Force Awakens use them in comparison and contrast to other films in the series?
SEARCH TERMS: Star Wars AND The Force Awakens

            Quick Reference Sources You Can Use!!                                    
  • Bartlett's Book of Familiar Quotations 
  • Business and Company Resources
  • Information Please. A good comprehensive almanac.
  • National Institute of Health
  • Occupational Outlook Handbook
  • South Carolina Colleges and Universities

Continue Doing Whatever It Takes to be An Awesome Tiger!
"BC Library is Accessible for Academic Success 24/7"